Horacio & Ignacio Chico
Video Performance
18´. Web version 7'
It is a dialogue with my father. We were having a conversation on what I remembered from the stories he used to tell me about the war when I was a kid.
It has developed into interviews to veterans of the Malvinas war: to Rodolfo Hendrickse, a survivor of the sinking of the cruiser General Belgrano (while my father was part of the Navy, as well as Rodolfo, both young midshipman); and Alberto Matsumoto, a veteran who fought at the islands, soldier of the regiment number 6 of Mercedes.
One of the main goals of this piece is to bring information about the war events through each personal glance.

(conversation) II
Rodolfo Hendrickse, Horacio & Ignacio Chico
Technique: Video Performance, Interview